I am sure there is a name for the infliction.
Psychologists undoubtedly have a term for the seasonal scenario or disorder that engulfs a significant number of people every year.
I am sure some experts are seeking a cure, a pill, program or treatment to reduce or eliminate it, but I hope not.
I fully admit I have a significant propensity towards finding joy and pleasure, often when others seem determined to not.
In simpler terms I love winter, including even snow.
While I fully understand ±õ91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™m in the minority being a snow buff, I can never have too much of it. Bring it on.
±õ³Ù91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™s easy for me to enthusiastically enjoy the white fluffy stuff.
I largely work out of my home and often sit snugly wrapped up inside my little abode and watch the world scurry by bundled in their scarves, mittens, and mukluks.
When ³Ù³ó±ð°ù±ð91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™s cause to venture out into the winter wonderland we have °Õ±ð³ú91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™s warm reliable car with winter tires and heated seats (got to love technology).
In reality my main attraction to winter and snow is the connection it has with Christmas.
±õ91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™m enthralled with the activities and events that occur then.
I love every aspect of Christmas: Christmas lights, music, decorations, shopping, Christmas movies, Christmas parties, Christmas baking, fellowship with family and friends, and even the cleanup of Christmas clutter afterwards.
As soon as Halloween and Remembrance Day are over, I start thinking Christmas.
Thankfully Tez is probably slightly crazier about Christmas than I am. Or at least she admits to it, which for some reason many folks feel the need to hide.
I make a point of fully embracing Christmas.
I take full advantage of the fact that many people are on their best behaviour this time of year - kinder and happier.
I squeeze as much joy out of the season as I can.
I milk Christmas season for all its worth and still hold childlike delight in the festive season.
While many allow themselves to diminish their Christmas spirit because of commercialism, monetary demands, and/or sensitive memories, I try and emotionally immerse myself in the joy and poignant sorrow of it all.
Consider yourself amply informed should you cross my cheery path in the next month or so that I may smother you in Christmas wishes.
If you happen to be a snow or Christmas grouch ²â´Ç³Ü91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™r±ð best to cross the street and avoid me.
My festive season enthusiasm and joy will drive you nuts.
The House of Hodge is already in full fledged North Pole mode. Every conceivable safe corner is covered in some sort of festive frill.
Of course the volume of decorations in our house is dramatically reduced from past years due to the Four Times the Fun Factor.
Bandit, Trouble, Chaos and Fluffy Little Bear, our four one-year old male kittens have already decided that Christmas is a whole new world of fun and anything sparkly or bright and hanging is worth attacking.
As I write this I hear the batting about of Christmas baubles.
Our Christmas tree goes up this weekend and I am already anticipating little good will come of that effort.
Last year, we only decorated the top half of the tree because at five months of age they could not climb that well.
This year, with their kitten scurrying skills fully developed - nothing is safe.
Tez and I have already decided that valuable, heirloom ornaments will not be hung by the chimney with care this year. In fact they will not be hung at all.
They say Christmas is for kids and aside from some grand-children and great-grandchildren the only kids around here have four paws.
A full damage report will be filed in the new year.
The best part of Christmas for me, however, is taking the time on Christmas Eve to sit back and think of those in the past year that have made my year so blessed.
I reflect on the kind and caring actions of others who helped to make my world a brighter, happier, safer place to be.
Sometimes it was a small gesture or kind word, other times it was life-saving or life-altering actions.
Regardless, I have truly been blessed with many amazing and kind folks in my world.
That reflective process inspired a column tradition many years ago and for the past 25 or 30 years of writing HodgePodge I have regularly printed my °ä³ó²¹°ù±ô¾±±ð91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™s Christmas Angels List.
Angels are simply folks who have gone above and beyond to assist or help myself or others.
I invite readers to send me their lists of Angels in their world and I print those names and comments during the holidays.
Our community is blessed with an amazing amount of caring folks.
I would like you to tell me about them briefly.
The criteria to make the Angel list are simple - be a nice person who willingly does something nice for another.
If you know of someone or even a few special folks who deserve to be recognized for their kindness and big heart then please send me a note about them as soon as possible and I will included them in the list.
Please send your °ä³ó²¹°ù±ô¾±±ð91ÂãÁÄÊÓƵ™s Angels nominees to charliehodge333@gmail.com
Until then, be good for goodness sake.